Saturday, December 21, 2013

Benefits of chewing gum on teeth

In season with the approaching holidays, I would like to elaborate a little more on the oral benefits of chewing sugar-free gum.  Sugar-free gum can actually play a helpful in one's proper oral care routine.

Tooth decay is a prevalent and leading chronic disease among children, and among adults in certain geographic and socioeconomic areas.  Hence its importance that dentists and dental hygienists realize the impact of teeth decay, and how to promote oral health education and how to help protect one's teeth from dental caries.

Family Bellevue Dentist Sugar Free Gum
Orbit Sugar Free Gum
One such method to lessen the risk of tooth decay is by chewing sugar-free gum.  In chewing the gum, it promotes and stimulates salivary flow (ie. increased saliva production from the Submandibular gland and the Parotid gland).  Saliva production is increased up to ten times the normal rate; this helps protect teeth by washing food debris away from the teeth, and also neutralize the acids found in food/drinks by raising the pH levels.   Saliva also protects the mucosal lines of the oral cavity by promoting sufficient hydration and thus helps prevent desiccation (drying).

A good time to chew sugar free gum are between the times one brushes during their teeth in the morning and at night. This could be as much as a 12-15 hour gap where one's teeth is more susceptible to tooth decay.

Examples of sugar free gum include Orbit and Trident.

If you have any questions on the role of sugar free gum in one's diet, be sure to consult with your Bellevue family dentist or hygienist.  Happy holidays!

Warm Regards,
Dr. Peter Chien
(425) 614-1600

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