
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Whiten your teeth naturally... with strawberries!

A natural and alternative method to teeth whitening you can try at home is to use strawberries and baking soda.  The malic acid in the strawberries, together with the baking soda, can help remove minor extrinsic stains on the tooth enamel from foods/drinks such as tea, coffee, and certain dark juices.  Baking soda is a natural soft abrasive that is a good toothpaste substitute, though it does not have Fluoride.  The combination of the baking soda and the strawberries' malic acid may be just effective enough to help lighten your teeth.

Check out the article here:,,20410846,00.html

Warm regards from your family Bellevue Dentist,
Dr. Peter Chien
(425) 614-1600

Thursday, August 22, 2013

National Tooth Fairy Day!

Attention parents and kids!  August 22 is the "official" National Tooth Fairy Day.  Kids, any loose baby teeth about to come out?  Parents, be on the look out :)

Most of the time baby teeth come out fairly easily.  If a tooth appears to be extremely loose and looks ready to come out, encourage your child to wiggle it.  Sometimes I even encourage a bite out of an apple, carrot, or even a sandwich to help give the tooth an extra nudge.  A little bleeding is normal when the tooth comes out; if so, firm pressure on a cotton gauze will help stop the bleeding.

I would suggest to have your kid's dentist evaluate the area if you notice:
  • The baby tooth is stubborn and doesn't seem to want to come out
  • The gums/gingiva around the tooth is bleeding or puffy
  • The baby (primary) tooth is blocking the permanent tooth from erupting and coming into place
  • Quite a few primary and permanent teeth are very close and crowded together
Crowded primary dentition is a possible predictor for orthodontic (braces) needs.  An early orthodontic evaluation can be helpful to see if braces may be needed in the future, and may even help reduce or eliminate extensive orthodontic treatment later on. 

From your family Bellevue dentist,
Dr. Peter Chien
(425) 614-1600 

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Google glasses at the dentist

 Talk about advances in technology.  A physician made headlines by using Google glasses while in the operating room.  After reading about this surgeon, I wonder if Google glasses can make it to the dental field?  Would sound pretty awesome if it did. 
From your family Bellevue Dentist,
Dr. Peter Chien 
(425) 614-1600

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Lose weight... by tongue surgery?

This is interesting news.  A US Surgeon has come up with a way to loose weight.  Called the "tongue patch diet" the surgeon places a mesh on the tongue, making it difficult for the mouth to swallow and to eat.  So far the surgeon has conducted his own studies and have shown it to be effective in dropping 16-18 pounds.  Check out the link and video here:
From your family Bellevue dentist,
Dr. Peter Chien

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Toothbrush, stay away from....

Here's an interesting fact about toothbrushes.  Where do we usually brush our teeth?   Probably in the shower, or in front of the bathroom sink and mirror.  But have you given thought where the toilet is in relation to where you brush?

Did you know that when flushing the toilet, water particles from the toilet can travel airborne up to 6 feet away?  Yup, 6 feet, that's quiet a distance isn't?  It's a given that the toothbrush should be clean and only contain toothpaste and clean water, but what if it contained small particles of.... ok, I won't say it, but you get the idea :)

So next time you brush, you may want to stand a little further away from the toilet :)

From your family Bellevue dentist,
Dr. Peter Chien

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Baby boomers!

Americans are living longer than ever, and the segment of population >65 years old is expanding.  Hence it's even more important to take preventive measures to maintain your oral health, and the best way begins at home.  Daily brushing with a soft tooth brush and fluoridated toothpaste after meals, along with flossing one to two times a day, is a great and effective way to keep your teeth and gums healthy and free of plaque.  If you have a denture, be sure to brush it every day as well so its free of plaque and food debris.  Soaking the denture daily it in a denture cleanser is also a good way to keep your gums and adjacent teeth healthy.

Be sure to consult your dentist if you have any questions regarding preventive oral hygiene.

Warm Regards from your family Bellevue Dentist,
 Dr. Peter Chien